west wing bible speech

Originally submitted by Brandon W. This post was produced and paid for by MoveOn Civic Action. To me it’s very simple: If you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.”—Donald J. Trump Here is Trump in action—how he runs his organization and how he runs his life—as he meets the people he needs to meet, ... and is not affiliated with The West Wing, Warner Bros., or NBC. If homosexuality is to be seen as a sin, then the old testament stands (and so does his point). or reason to it? HOwever, no amount of political lobbying can remove the dislike of the homosexual act which is innate, I believe, within men and women everywhere. Does the whole town really have to be together to stone my brother John for planting different crops side by side? Can West Point? should we then change the laws to make marriage with an animal legal? Found inside – Page 401For that, the boss has a dedicated team of speechwriters who familiarize themselves with the commander in chief's ... See also, “Congressional Staff,” “James S. Brady Press Briefing Room,” “West West Wing,” “The West Wing,” “White House ... That’s LITERALLY the only difference. So that is stupid. With all due respect Mr. President, it seems you too are well-versed in various aspects of the Bible. BREAKING NEWS: Clarification for Macon Pops, #wildcardwednesday: new orleans style barbecue shrimp, The Weekend I Survived On Nothing But Birthday Party Pizza, An Uncomfortable Truth Led To My Mistake in Church, Shop for a Cause: Mint Boutique Trunk Show. I bring this up to prove the point that we have not always agreed on the very basic principles of what we believe as a religion. She’s a Georgetown sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleared the table when it was her turn. Like you Bernie, I believe we need to see the real people not the act they are trying so hard to legitimise. and, who decides which ones can be reinterpreted? The Bible teaches us to “be doers of the word and not merely hearers.” We’re required to have a living, breathing, active faith in our own lives. For example, in Proverbs 6:16-19 there is a small list of 6 things that the LORD hates and abominates: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. It has been an interesting lesson in christian love. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); © 2004-2017, westwingtranscsripts.com. But fear not: award-winning religious journalist Robert J. Hutchinson refutes the mockers, skeptics, and deniers in his new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible. Why do Jews and Christians violate The Sabbath …. I have been a born-again believer for 8 yrs. His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is “The Rational Bible,” a commentary on the book of Genesis. “Do my research paper” help is at your service 24/7. I like how you call homosexuality an abomination. As far as I know you are also not a ThD (theological Doctor) nr a scholar in Biblical Theology to know the difference between regulations to the Israelites in the 15th BC and what pleases and abominates God yesterday, today and tomorrow. Most of us have played the game pass it down the line and so realize that words can be re-interpreted. Perhaps rereading Corinthians; Love is…… will remind all people who say they have a personal relationship with Jesus, where He lifted them from……..It is easy to mouth what the bible says, but to live it and understand the greatness of God…..’o wretched man am I’ is something else. Josiah Edward "Jed" Bartlet is a fictional character from the American television serial drama The West Wing, portrayed by actor Martin Sheen.The role earned Sheen a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Television Series Drama in 2001, as well as two SAG Awards.. Bartlet's tenure as a Democratic President of the United States is a preeminent aspect of the series. Each chapter in this book focuses on a contemporary free speech question—from student walkouts for gun safety to Samantha Bee’s expletives, from Nazis marching in Charlottesville to the muting of adult film star Stormy Daniels— and ...

Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Let’s honor the best part of … Violent extremists have exploited these tensions in a small but potent minority of Muslims. I’m sorry to say this Mr President, but We Christians “see” the bible not with our eyes, but with our “HOLLY SPIRIT”. Nobody can argue that the Bible was used as a justification for slavery until the 1860s. There are people I very much dislike and I do not want to love them- but that is not what God commands us to do. They have their reasons for their beliefs and actions, in many ways formed by their own lives and histories. "I am somewhat offended Sir, I don't know what to say." Homosexuality is beyond culture – it is a fundamental law of life. "West Wing": President Bartlet on respecting people, regardless of sexuality Many variations of this speech have been used as a defense against bible-thumping gay bashers and necessarily so. Among the most significant works Kahlil Gibran: "Broken Wings", "The Madman", "The Earth Gods" , "The Garden of the Prophet". Why Don’t I Feel Quite As Good as I Should? President Josiah Bartlet : Well, 19 percent of the country has clearly made … If you want me to lose the re-election keep writing me the same material as that last speech." Armageddon – Speech. Sam Seaborn : When asked whose approach on important national problems do you think is generally best, President Bartlet or the Republican leaders of Congress, Bartlet gets 61 percent. Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book. ... "He Doesn't [Call Us The Batman And Robin Of Speech-Writing], But He Should, 'Cause That's What We Are." (Allison Janney) deflects press requests on how the assassination attempt has affected the mood in the White House, … Argues with Sa… None of this should even matter: What’s funniest of all is that this guy acts like we are still tied to the Old Covenant. Can I burn my mother in a small family gathering for wearing garments made from two different threads? The West Wing: Created by Aaron Sorkin. As far as my Bible reads, it does not say man-man or woman-woman. It makes me think of the recent controversy with “Duck Dynasty”. We use computers to remix text! Whilst the other Laws quoted from Leviticus 11:7, Exodus 21:7, Exodus 35:2 are defined as a regulation between members of Israel’s 15th BC community, they are not an abomination to God. Further, your objection regarding planting different crops side by side and wearing garments made from different threads, actually points to the New Testament teaching for purity in one’s thoughts, words and actions, and to not be unequally yoked in marriage or ministry with non-believers. Aaron Sorkin, 'The West Wing' creator, in 2016. My apologies Mr. President, but from these Bible quotes we can clearly see that what is popular with men is not popular with God! Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author. A salutary lesson on the transformative power of God’s love. (John 8: 36) About working on the Sabbath, Jesus did say that humankind was not created for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for humankind. He is shown to have extremely liberal views and to be incredibly animated and theatrical in his displeasure that the President tends to be more moderate in action. Sex with the interns being a bit dated, I chose to make him a closet atheist. Episode 4.14 -- "Inauguration part 1" Original Air Date: February 5, 2003, 9:00 PM EST Transcribed by: ck1czar February 26, 2003. The West Wing transcripts -- search episode dialogue, summaries, and titles of all episodes of The West Wing tv show seasons 1 through 6! He just went ahead and obeyed GOD…. Absentee Actor: Rob Lowe during the middle of Season 4, right before he left.During seasons 6 and 7 large sections of the cast were left out as the focus shifted between the campaign and the West Wing. a discussion about homosexuality per se (yes I do have firm Biblical views on that, but I hold them in love so please understand that any vitriolic comments will be removed). It sets out why I believe from the Bible. 2 7In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.

I always wondered myself why Abraham did not even hesitate, not even a why?? I’ve been to a quite few debates myself, and at the end of the day… August 17, 2017. gif (1×1) President Josiah Bartlet on the television show The West Wing, from season 2, episode 3: “I like how you call homosexuality an abomination [ Leviticus 18:22 ].
While thinking about that, can I ask another? Do I believe that Jesus converted water into wine? The series is set primarily in the West Wing of the White House, where the Oval Office and offices of presidential senior personnel are located, during the fictitious Democratic administration of President Josiah Bartlet. I’m interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. Just act like we don’t have this ENTIRE other side to the matter called the New Testament. Great – that’s your understanding of the answer, but what we’re looking for is how you got to the answer … from the Bible. Now Mr. President, back to the original issue in contention, which you might say is outdated or irrelevant because of your views on the Bible, homosexuality remains frowned upon by our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m sure these people justify their sexual preferences if you ask them, but that does not make it right. (2 Corinthians 6: 14) In fact, the same principles in the Old Testament include yoking two different animals together while plowing the field among others. God is justice and righteousness, we don’t think this way. If they promise to wear gloves, can the Washington Redskins still play football? Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or is it okay to call the police? and old) are on the air. Often we choose reasoning for everything, but just for this one, let the holly spirit interpret it…, You will see that, is not about “OUR reasoning” that matters, but

By Brandon. (More coming soon, and I am taking suggestions!). Money, that’s it. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights." Mr. President, will you do it for our country and our nation? even He had sacrificed Isaac, He knew that somehow GOD was going to resurrect Isaac from the dead. Leviticus 11:7. seen in collaboration with. Great speech, and one of the many reasons The West Wing was such a great series and much missed by me.
West So my interpretation is that those laws are fulfilled and so no longer apply. THE WHITE HOUSE - NIGHT Donna enters the West Wing. As far as my Bible reads, it does not say man-man or woman-woman.”. a quick way to see when episodes (new Bring Me The Finest Muffins And Bagels In All The Land." - Josh Lyman Any fan of The West Wing has certainly quoted this Josh Lyman line after a victory, no matter how small. It's a fun and cheeky line that playfully shows Josh's ego as he gloats around the office after a big win. However, some of the areas where you appear to be struggling with may be with understanding that the Bible is not a set of outdated rules and regulations which you seem to be trying to portray but really pointing towards the person and works of Jesus our God. External video. Leviticus. I was living as a lesbian for 12yrs before God lifted me out of the miry clay. Legitimate questions that could come from anyone today and are real reasons why people refuse to look any further into what the Bible and God/Jesus really have to say. President Donald Trump leaves the White House on foot to go to St. John's Episcopal Church across Lafayette Park in Washington, DC on June 1, 2020. Before President Donald Trump held up a Bible in front of a church with the sting of chemicals still in the air. NOT EVEN 1 SEC. Seven US Capitol riot defendants pleaded guilty on Friday to charges related to the January 6 insurrection, including one man who threatened to shoot House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. he wants sinners to come to him, (me included), so how we are helping that to happen is that matters. If you died within 24 hours, where would you be in eternity? Isn’t this challenge about…Faith Vs Reason? 1. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL - GEORGETOWN - NIGHT SAM SEABORN is sitting with a reporter, BILLY KENWORTHY, in the bar. The Left Is Evil — And Liberals Keep Voting for Them. West Wing and old) are on the air. YES!!! Oops… Last paragraph I meant to write: “Will you yoke yourself to Him, OR will you insist on remaining separate from the love of God…”. Kanye West took the stage for his first presidential campaign rally, where he went from being in good spirits to wiping tears from his eyes as he explained why he’s against abortion.. The Poisonwood Bible 100,000 Airplanes: Directed by David Nutter. A bag in one hand, maybe a child in the other, standing for hours in long lines. Sabbath: If you can’t even do something as simple as relaxing on the sabbath and not working, then you deserve it. God bless America. In the Presence of My Enemies, the gripping true story of American missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnhams year as hostages in the Philippine jungle, was a New York Times best seller and has sold nearly 350,000 copies. The West Wing She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions while I have you here. "I worked really hard on that speech Sir and you didn't like it." The West Wing The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. No other commandment is greater than these.”, Again more context, it says in John 13:34 ‘So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. If you say that “homosexuality is an abomination” then it is so. Powerful stuff indeed. I know that more difficult times are ahead, and I’m going to need your guidance more than ever. You know why??? All rights reserved. I haven’t read exactly what this guy said and I really don’t care to. By President Barack Hussein Obama. Cast from left to right: Toby, C. J., Charlie, Leo, President Bartlet, Sam, Donna and Josh. It doesn’t make them right and it will certainly make living the Christian life harder. President Trump at the door of Ashburton House, St. John's Church Parish House, June 1. The attacks of September 11, 2001 and the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights. The point of this piece, is I believe, perfectly clear. Botnik is a machine entertainment company run by comedy writers. When I created the West Wing's Republican candidate for president played brilliantly by Alan Alda, I wanted for dramatic purposes to give him the worst problem I could think of. I’m interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She is probably best known as Bliss Colby from The Colbys, and was pencilled is as one of the Angels for the planned Charlie's Angels 1988 reboot that never got off the ground. In this inspiring book, Meacham reassures us, “The good news is that we have come through such darkness before”—as, time and again, Lincoln’s better angels have found a way to prevail. On this occasion this is not (!) They were drafted to make clear the distance that we as human beings have moved from the people /persons that we were created to be ( in relationship to God & thus to each other.So as to prod us to humbly recognize our need of a Holy loving Gods’ forgiveness & reswtoration towards being that person/s that God created us to be..( just like at the first before we as human beings decided that we wanted to be boss. I don’t have the audio in my office to rewatch the scene, but from memory it was President Barlett railing against homophobia of a radio host who justified her issues with homosexuality based off of old testament. Thank you to all for your well thought out, considered responses. And God bless the World War II generation. Found inside – Page 264Subsequently an address he got down to ' White Wing , ' he started was delivered by the Rev. ... New York , also gave an address . man there who could tell what From Dr. Underwood's speech we the new doctrine meant . There are contacts that they must abide by, regardless of our own opinions and regardless of theirs. In this book, readers can revisit their favorite episodes, following the fictional American President Bartlet and his key White House staff, his family, and the press as they deal with the urgencies of the moment. westwingtranscripts.com is an independently-operated fansite, What’s your reason and method? A Modern Translation of the Kebra Nagast: The Glory of Kings Welcome to Doomsday 5 Bible Lesson - The West Wing To be honest, we probably could have created an entire list just featuring President Bartlet monologues. What would a good price for her be? Revelation Buy stickers featuring the more memorable quotes from the show, as well as Bartlet for President bumper stickers. Buy LEGO Architecture Collection: The White House 21054 Model Building Kit, Creative Building Set for Adults, A Revitalizing DIY Project and Great Gift for Any Hobbyists (1,483 Pieces): Building Sets - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases With Rob Lowe, Dulé Hill, Allison Janney, Janel Moloney. The 55-minute speech was remarkable and historic not so much for the delivery or even the words, but for the context, the orator, the moment. I love the show, but it’s tough to take seriously every view of a character who, though he claims so arrogantly to be a Notre Dame educated theologian of sorts and a Nobel Prize winner who, in a single episode in the middle of season one couldn’t either recall, chapter and verse, The Book of Revelation as to the role of The White Horse, which was finally recurred to him from memory, chapter and verse, by Lord Marbury, and only after Bartlet thrice called it The Book of “Revelations” and no character corrected him, though they regularly did so with him on all topics throughout the series! All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson. Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. Humans will make laws that are contrary to the will of God (procreation being just one). What I don’t understand is how there are people like I like and respect that are still ok with hate speech? What’s your biblical basis for coming to the conclusion that you do? Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. But just ignore that, oh yeah. I address you tonight not as the President of the United States, not as the leader of a country, but as a citizen of humanity. We were strangers once, too." By turns intelligent, fascinating, and outrageously funny, Rechtman's narrative works on several levels: it's a chilling parable of the US government's relentless stoking and exploitation of our nation's post-9/11 Osamaphobia; and in the ... It is glib and very smart to align it with cultural laws that were designed to establish a nation in purity and health. I used to believe all of that nonsense of I condemn the sin and not the sinner. The real question and challenge I put forth is “Tell us why should we change the marriage laws for a minority group”? Molly is a Southern culture commentator, web producer, and social media marketing maven. Dennis Prager: The left is evil – And liberals keep voting for them. Email jfielding@corycornelius.net if you're a godforsaken robot! So I’ve included the text transcript of the important bits below: President Bartlet: Good. and that’s why it’s called Faith. Our Towns is the story of their journey—and an account of a country busy remaking itself. On the surface, at least, it was also grimly ironic, given this president’s recent hypersensitivity about perceived impediments to … the resources page

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west wing bible speech

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